North-South Road Corridor Investment Program

Tranche 2. Ashtarak-Talin

Tranche 2 (Ashtarak - Talin) total length is around 42 km

Tranche 2 Loan Agreement was signed with Asian Development Bank on 30 May 2011.  

The consultant realizing design works is "Egis International" French company.

Till 18.07.2019 the contractor was "Corsan-Corviam Construccion S.A." Spanish company.

Considering that the Contractor has stopped the construction works since the end of 2018 and left Armenia, the Spanish company "Corsan-Corviam Construccion S.A." was notified on the termination of the contract on 18 July, 2019 due to numerous breaches of contract provisions, as well as the insolvency of the latter.

Till 31.12.2019 the Program Management and Technical Supervision Consultant was a joint venture of French "SAFEGE" and Spanish "EPTISA" companies.

In 2020-2021 measures were taken to continue the implementation of Project through other contractor/contractors.

In 2021, a new Engineer/Consultant was hired in the Project for the calculation of remaining quantities by the previous contractor, revise of existing designs, preparation of new bidding documents, as well as performing the duties of the Engineer during civil works. An appropriate contract was signed with the JV “Egis International” and “Kocks Consult Gmbh”.

Construction is envisaged to be resumed in the following two sections:

  • 8 km road section bypassing Agarak Archaeological complex (M-1 road, km 29+600-km 37+545) and
  • Remaining road section of 34 km (M-1 road km37+545-km 71+500).

The Contractor of the M-1, Yerevan-Gyumri-Bavra, near Agarak community (from km 29+600 to km37+545) is Joint Venture “A.A.B. Project LLC - M/s Dineshchandra R Agrawal Infracon Pvt. Ltd”. Duration of contract is 18 months. Construction works have been started in 2023.

The Contract for the completion of construction of about 34.0 km of highway M-1, Yerevan-Gyumri-Bavra (from km 37+545 to km 7l+500) was signed on 03.10.2023. The Contractor is Joint Venture Levantina, Ingenieria y Construccion, S.L. & Obras Publicas y Regadios, S.A. Contract duration is 18 months.