
Ministry of TAI, Road Department SNCO, National Competitive Bidding for Procurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Roads; INVITATION FOR BIDS, Reference RD FI 81.437/ NCB 2021-02

Published: 22-06-2021 15:15
Deadline: 20-07-2021 16:00

Invitation for Bids



Grant No.: FI N° 81.437


Employer: Road Department SNCO

Contract Title: Procurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Interstate Roads


Reference No.: RD FI 81.437/ NCB 2021-02



  1. The Republic of Armenia has received financing from the EIB NEIGHBOURHOOD INVESTMENT FACILITY toward the cost of the ARMENIA ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract forProcurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Interstate Roads in two (2) lots.


  1. The Road Department (RD) SNCO now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Procurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Interstate Roads in Two (2) Lots as provided below:


Lot 1 – Seven (7) Black Spots on M-2 Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri Road


L1.1.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km147+700 - km148+922

L1.2.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km183+000 - km184+000

L1.3.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km189+000 - km190+000

L1.4.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km242+181 - km243+000

L1.5.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km306+000 - km311+000

L1.6.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km315+000 - km316+126

L1.7.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km317+000 - km318+228


Lot 2 – Two (2) Black Spots on M-4 Yerevan-Sevan-Ijevan Road


L2.1.  M-4, Yerevan-Sevan- Ijevan, km83+400 – km84+633

L2.2.  M-4, Yerevan-Sevan- Ijevan, km86+000 – km86+500


The Sites are located in South and North parts of Armenia.

The construction period is 6 (six) months for each Lot.


  1. Bidders may bid for one or several Lots, as further defined in the bidding document. Bidders wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one contract will be allowed to do so with providing such discounts in the Letter of Bid.


  1. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank’s PROCUREMENT IN INVESTMENT PROJECT FINANCING Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services (“Procurement Guidelines”), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.


  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from: Road Department (RD) SNCO, and inspect the bidding documents during office hours from 10:00 to 17:00 hours at the address given below:


Address:          1st  Floor, Government House 3, Republic Square0010, Yerevan, Armenia

Telephone:      +374 (10) 542-176

E-mail:            hasmik.ordukhanyan@armroad.am, stepan.machyan@armroad.am. 


  1. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be obtained by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below. The documents will be provided during 2 working days after the receiving of such request/ in electronic format CD or DVD/.


  1. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before the time below:

Address:          1st Floor,  Government House 3, Republic Square 0010, Yerevan, Armenia

Date and time: 20 July, 2021, at 16:00(Yerevan time)


Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidder’s designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below:

Address:          1st Floor, Government House 3, Republic Square,  0010, Yerevan, Armenia

Date and time: 20 July, 2021, at 16:00(Yerevan time)


  1. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of:

Lot 1. AMD 2,800,000 (Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand);

Lot 2. AMD 2,400,000 (Two Million Four Hundred Thousand).


The bid for each Lot should be accompanied with the separate Bid Security.


  1. The address referred to above is:


Road department” SNCO


Attn: Stepan Machyan, General  Director


Street Address: Government House 3, Republic Square,

Floor/Room number: 1st  Floor,

City: Yerevan

PO Code: 0010

Country: Armenia

Telephone: +374 (10) 542-176 .

E-mail: hasmik.ordukhanyan@armroad.am, stepan.machyan@armroad.am. 

Web site: www.armroad.am



Ministry of TAI, Road Department SNCO, National Competitive Bidding for Procurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Interstate Roads; INVITATION FOR BIDS, Reference RD FI 81.437/ NCB 2021-02

Published: 12-05-2021 18:46
Deadline: 11-06-2021 16:00

Invitation for Bids



Grant No.: FI N° 81.437


Employer: Road Department SNCO

Contract Title: Procurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Interstate Roads

Reference No.: RD FI 81.437/ NCB 2021-02



  1. The Republic of Armenia has received financing from the EIB NEIGHBOURHOOD INVESTMENT FACILITY toward the cost of the ARMENIA ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract forProcurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Interstate Roads in two (2) lots.


  1. The Road Department (RD) SNCO now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Procurement of Road Safety Works and Infrastructure Improvement of 9 Black Spots on M-2 and M-4 Interstate Roads in Two (2) Lots as provided below:


Lot 1 – Seven (7) Black Spots on M-2 Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri Road


L1.1.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km147+700 - km148+922

L1.2.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km183+000 - km184+000

L1.3.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km189+000 - km190+000

L1.4.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km242+181 - km243+000

L1.5.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km306+000 - km311+000

L1.6.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km315+000 - km316+126

L1.7.  M-2, Yerevan-Eraskh-Goris-Kapan-Meghri, km317+000 - km318+228


Lot 2 – Two (2) Black Spots on M-4 Yerevan-Sevan-Ijevan Road


L2.1.  M-4, Yerevan-Sevan- Ijevan, km83+400 – km84+633

L2.2.  M-4, Yerevan-Sevan- Ijevan, km86+000 – km86+500


The Sites are located in South and North parts of Armenia.

The construction period is 6 (six) months for each Lot.


  1. Bidders may bid for one or several Lots, as further defined in the bidding document. Bidders wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one contract will be allowed to do so with providing such discounts in the Letter of Bid.


  1. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank’s PROCUREMENT IN INVESTMENT PROJECT FINANCING Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services (“Procurement Guidelines”), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.


  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from: Road Department (RD) SNCO, and inspect the bidding documents during office hours from 10:00 to 17:00 hours at the address given below:


Address:          1st  Floor, Government House 3, Republic Square0010, Yerevan, Armenia

Telephone:      +374 (10) 511-391

E-mail:            hasmik.ordukhanyan@armroad.am, stepan.machyan@armroad.am 


  1. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be obtained by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below. The documents will be provided during 2 working days after the receiving of such request/ in electronic format CD or DVD/.


  1. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before the time below:

Address:          1st Floor,  Government House 3, Republic Square 0010, Yerevan, Armenia

Date and time: 11 June, 2021, at 16:00(Yerevan time)


Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidder’s designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below:

Address:          1st Floor, Government House 3, Republic Square,  0010, Yerevan, Armenia

Date and time: 11 June, 2021, at 16:00 (Yerevan time)


  1. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of:

Lot 1. AMD 2,800,000 (Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand);

Lot 2. AMD 2,400,000 (Two Million Four Hundred Thousand).


The bid for each Lot should be accompanied with the separate Bid Security.


  1. The address referred to above is:


Road department” SNCO

Attn: Stepan Machyan, General  Director

Street Address: Government House 3, Republic Square,

Floor/Room number: 1st  Floor,

City: Yerevan

PO Code: 0010

Country: Armenia

Telephone: +374 (10) 511-391 .

E-mail: hasmik.ordukhanyan@armroad.am, stepan.machyan@armroad.am. 

Web site: www.armroad.am





Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures, Road Department SNCO, Request for Expression of Interest for the ADVISORY SERVICES FOR AUDIT Loan 2729-ARM: North–South Road Corridor Investment Program, Tranche 2

Published: 08-05-2021 16:2
Deadline: 24-05-2021 18:00



Loan 2729-ARM: North–South Road Corridor Investment Program, Tranche 2


 Least Cost Selection (LCS)

 Date of issuance: 7 May 2021


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to provide the Republic of Armenia with a $500 million multitranche financing facility (MFF) to finance the North–South Road Corridor Investment Program (Investment Program). The North–South Road Corridor (NSRC) runs 556 km from the border with Georgia at Bavra via Gyumri, Ashtarak, Yerevan, Goris, and Kapan, to the border with Iran at Meghri. It is 2-lane throughout, with the exception of an 18 km length on the M-1 (Yerevan–Ashtarak) and the M-2 (Yerevan–Ararat section), which are dual 2-lane. The overall objective of the Investment Program is to provide a high-quality NSRC from the Georgian border to the Iranian border by rehabilitating the whole North–South Road Corridor starting from Bavra in the north on the border with Georgia and Meghry in the south on the board with Iran.

The Project is implemented by the “Road Department” State Non-Commercial Organization (SNCO hereinafter – the Client). In scope of this project the GoA intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consulting Services.

The Road Department SNCO now invites eligible consulting firms (Consultants) to indicate their interest in providing the audit services for Loan: 2729-ARM, Tranche 2; for fiscal year ending in 31 December 2020, 31 December 2021, 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2023.

The objectives of the audit of the project financial statements is to enable the auditor to (i) express an independent and objective opinion as to whether the project financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, or give a true and fair view of the project’s financial position, its financial performance and cash flows, and (ii) provide a reasonable assurance opinion over certain specific representations made in the Statement of Compliance. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, experience in region/country, availability of appropriate skills among key staff, etc.).  

The selection will be carried out under ADB’s Consultants’ Least Cost Selection (LCS) method.

The interested Consultants are strongly encouraged to register and apply through ADB’s Consultant Management System at cms.adb.org. Online submission is always the main submission method. Offline EOI submission through email or sealed envelope is an option. Using ADB’s EOI template (https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/page/83267/eoi-consulting-firms-20131114.doc) for EOI submission is required. Late submissions would be rejected.

If submitting offline, hard copy EOIs should reach the office of the RD at the address below not later than closing date of EOI submission closing date.

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications. When submitting an EOI as a firm or assosiation, the lead firm states its CMS registration number in the EOI. If unregistered, the lead firm first completes at least a simplified registration in CMS, and submit a full registration before contract negotiations, if selected.

The closing date for the submission of EOI is: at or before 18:00 pm on 24 May 2021, Yerevan time.


Stepan Machyan

General Director


Road Department SNCO
Government House 3, Republic Square,

Yerevan, Armenia
Tel/Fax: (374-10) 542-176
E-mail: info@armroad.amhasmik.ordukhanyan@armroad.am


Statement of Audit Needs






Road Department SNCO, Procurement of the services of technical maintenance of vehicles: Code of the procedure ՃԴ-ԳՀԾՁԲ-2021/02

Published: 09-04-2021 17:18
Deadline: 16-04-2021 15:00



On Request for Quotation

The text of this announcement is approved by the Decision N 1 of Request for Quotation Committee dated  09 April, 2021 and is being published according to Article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Procurement".

Code of the Request for Quotation: «ՃԴ-ԳՀԾՁԲ-2021/02»       


The Client, “Road Department” SNCO of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, which is situated in Yerevan, Republic Square, Government House 3, Yerevan 0010 is announcing a pricing query, which is carried out in one phase of an procurement.

The participant selected in the request for quotation according to the defined order will be suggested to sign a supply contract for technical maintenance of vehicles (hereinafter the Contract).

According to the terms of Article 7 of the RA Law “On Procurement”, all persons or entities, irrespective of being a foreigner, a foreign entity or a stateless person, has the equal right to participate in request for quotation.

The qualification criteria for not eligible people to participate in survey, as well as the people not having the right to participate in the survey and the needed documents to be provided for the evaluation of those criteria are set out by the invitation of the same procedure.

The Selected participant is being decided among the number of applicants rated sufficient to the requirements of the invitation by the principle of giving preference to the bidder offering the lowest price.

In order to get the printed version of pricing survey invitation there is a need to apply the Customer counting since this announcement’s publishing 6th day, 18:00 o’clock. Moreover, to receive the paper form of an invitation the customer should be introduced a written application.  The client provides a hard copy of the invitation in the first working day following the receipt of the request.

In the case of the request an invitation in electronic form, the customer provides a free invitation to the issuance date of receiving the application in electronic form within the next business day.

Failure to receive an invitation does not restrict the participant's right to participate in pricing survey.

The Pricing Requests for Applications must be submitted to Yerevan, Republic Square, Government House 3, 1st floor, 213 room in hard copy until the date of the announcement 7th day, 15:00 o’clock. Applications, besides Armenian language, can also be submitted in English or Russian.

Bid opening will take place  at Yerevan, Republic Square, Government House 3, 1st floor, 213 room on 16 April 2021, 15:00 o’clock.

Complaints regarding this procedure must be submitted to the Procurement Appeals Board, 1 Melik Adamyan street, Yerevan. Pricing appeal as defined by the survey invitation. The required complaint filing fee is 30 000 (thirty thousand) AMD, which will go to "900008000482" Treasury bank account opened in the name of Armenia's Ministry of Finance.

For more information regarding this announcement, please contact the secretary of the evaluation committee, Liana Gharagyozyan.

Tel: (374 10) 542 176

E-mail: liana.gharagyozyan@armroad.am

Client: «ROAD DEPARTMENT» SNCO of  the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure



Preparation of Design and Environmental and Social Management Plans, and design author’s supervision for the Black spots improvement works under the LRNIP-AF 2 Project, REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST

Published: 25-03-2021 18:12
Deadline: 23-04-2021 18:00





Country:   Republic of Armenia
Loan No.: 8957-AM  
Project:     Second Additional Financing for the Lifeline Road Network Improvement Project  (LRNIP AF2)

Assignment Title:  Preparation of Design and Environmental and Social Management Plans, and design author’s supervision for the Black spots improvement works under the LRNIP-AF 2 Project  

Reference No.:  RD-BS-LRNIP-AF2-2021


The Republic of Armenia (the Borrower) has received a loan in amount of EUR 13.4 million financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Second Additional Financing for the Lifeline Roads Network Improvement Project (LRNIP AF2) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services for “Preparation of Design and Environmental and Social Management Plans, and design author’s supervision for the Black spots improvement works under the LRNIP-AF 2 Project”.


The consulting services (“the Services”) will include:

  • Preparation of the Detailed Designs for improvement works of Black spots under LRNIP-AF 2 Project including Environmental and Social Management Plans;
  • Author supervision during construction period.


The contract will consist of two parts: Lump-sum (Design stage) “Preparation of Site-Specific Designs” and “Preparation of  ESMPs” and Time-based “Author supervision during construction period (Design author supervision stage).

The “Road Department” SNCO of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of RA now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). The shortlisting criteria are:

  • General experience of the Consultant in preparation of Designs for road construction/rehabilitation/improvement projects,
  • Similar experience of the Consultant in preparation of Designs for Black spots improvement works (number of similar contracts within the last 5 years).

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph  3.14 and  3.15 of the World Bank’s Guidelines:   “Procurement regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016  revised  in November 2017, July 2018  and  November 2020), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualifications (CQS) selection procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: “Procurement regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016  revised  in November 2017, July 2018  and  November 2020). Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (09:00 to 17:00 hours local time).

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form in English in person (or by courier services) or by e-mail in the Adobe PDF format to the address below not later than  23 April 2021, 18:00 (Yerevan time).


“Road Department” SNCO of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of RA      

Attention: Stepan  Machyan, General Director
Government House 3, Republic Square,Yerevan, Armenia
Tel/Fax: (374-10) 542 176
E-mail: hasmik.ordukhanyan@armroad.amliana.gharagyozyan@armroad.am


The new Procurement Notices Alerts Subscription service

The World Bank has launched a new procurement notices alerts subscription service that enables interested parties to subscribe for notices for products and services in countries of interest and receive an email notification whenever a relevant procurement notice is published on the World Bank Website. This service enables users to access these notifications without having to regularly monitor the World Bank website to seek for new notices. This service is provided free of charge.


How to subscribe

To subscribe, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to https://alerts.worldbank.org/
  2. Register as a “new user” or log in as an “existing user”
  3. Select “Procurement Notices”
  4. Select countries and products/services of interest
  5. Save the alert.


Once the subscription is completed, users will receive an email notification upon the publication of procurement opportunities and contract awards for the selected products/services in the selected countries.


Terms of Reference։ Preparation of Design and Environmental and Social Management Plans, and design author’s supervision for the Blackspots improvement works under the LRNIP-AF 2 Project